UK 2022 Holiday for Susan, Kaylee and don

Created, Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:22 PM

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Ginny drove us to Orlando airport. Our flight on Delta/virgin Atlantic is at 6:10 PM.

Don purchased first class tickets for us so we are waiting in the Delta sky club with free food and drinks. Because we are flying overnight, Don upgraded us to first class so we will have pods to sleep in. We flew that way another time and it was so much better than trying to sleep in airplane seats.

We should arrive in Manchester, England at 7:30 AM tomorrow. We will rent a car and drive to Scotland. We are going to Linlithgow to visit Kevin Laah for a couple of hours. And then we will head north to the highlands of Scotland.

I am very excited to be going on this trip finally. We were supposed to go last May, but we got exposed to Covid and had to reschedule. Anyway, we are now on our way.

Street View     Orlando MCO     Map
Orlando airport
Susan getting set in her pod on overnight flight to Manchester, England. This is don in his seat on the airplane before leaving Tampa on our way to Manchester on Sunday, September 11, 2022. We flew 1st Class on Delta (Virgin Atlantic). It was a very comfortable 9-hour flight with good food and great service.

Monday, September 12, 2022

The flight on virgin Atlantic took off 45 minutes late, but it was a great, first class flight. We had lovely meals and the service was great on board. We slept Pretty well in the pods which are our seats that fold into a bed.

We landed a little late, not bad though, but the jet way at our gate at Manchester airport was not working so we had to wait 20 minutes or so for a stairway to be wheeled to our airplane. It was about a mile walk to the immigration and baggage claim area. No wait at immigration but a 30 to 40 minute wait for baggage and then we had to wait another half an hour for a shuttle to the car rental village.

We rented a small, white Ford Puma. we got all our bags in the car and then went to pay inside with our USAA Visa card. There was a problem, none of our charge cards were accepted. After over half an hour Don finally talked to someone at USAA even though it was 5 AM in Texas. He got it all straightened out with them so Our cards would be excepted in the UK. He had contacted them before we left, but somehow, they weren't being accepted.

It was rainy in Manchester but as Don drove the 225 miles to Linlithgow, Scotland the weather cleared and it was a beautiful day. The scenery was breathtaking. We saw thousands of sheep and lots of cows and many huge bales of hay in the fields. The bales were round as well as rectangular in shape.

Don had trouble calling his friend and former work mate Kevin Laah to let him know when we would arrive at his house. He became very agitated at the company that he purchased a a European Sim card from. He thought he had 30 days of unlimited calling, but apparently not. So he paid them more money and was able to call Kevin.

Don is doing all the driving. It is very confusing to me riding on the left side of the car and the road. Don has done very well, only hit the curb once. He encourages me to tell him when he's getting too close to the left curb. I don't know why but most of the roads have a four or 5 inch high curb along the side of the road. It's the turns from the left lane to left lane and so many roundabouts it really throws me off. It's a good thing I'm not driving. We would never make it!

Kevin and Wendy invited us to stay the night at their house so we did and they are lovely, gracious hosts. We all walked from their house to downtown Linlithgow to a pub called The Four Marys. It was named that because Mary, queen of Scots, was born at the castle in Linlithgow and her four attendants names were all Mary. I had a delicious fish and chips dinner, Don had the haggis and mash. Both were excellent. We walked past a bar called the black bitch. Kevin told us the story from where it got its name. Criminals were left on an island tied to a tree. Without food and water they didn't last very long except for one of them. Then the officials found out that the man's dog was swimming out to the island to bring him food. To fix that, the dog, a black bitch, was tied to the tree too. It wasn't long and they were both dead.

We returned to Kevin‘s house, I was exhausted and went to bed. Don stayed up and talk to Kevin for a while. In the morning we left Kevin‘s at 8:30 AM. Kevin and Wendy had to take their son Ewan to work. He is a 31-year-old special needs young man. He is just as sweet as he can be and he's quite an artist. He favorite character is Sonic the hedgehog.

Anyway, we followed Kevin and his family to a soap factory, it is an outlet store that Wendy told me about. I bought several bars of soap. They will make great little gifts for friends and family. We made a few stops today recommended by Kevin.

Street View     Linlithgow     Map
Kevin, Wendy and Euan
Kevin, don, Wendy and Euan outside the Four Marys pub Susan outside the Four Marys pub in Linlithgow where we had dinner with the Laahs. don had haggis for dinner and we had a great visit The Four Marys History
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Kevin and don by the statue of The Black Bitch The explanation and story of The Black Bitch And, The Black Bitch pub

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

We walked to the old course (golf )at Saint Andrews. There was a tournament going on so we watched the golfers for a bit and visited with a young man named Coach D (Doug). He is taking an 8 month trip around the world. We walked around St.Andrews University with it's beautiful buildings and saw the ruins of a castle down by the shore of the North Sea. I could tell the city is upscale by the shops and the people.

We spent the Night at Cove Bay in Aberdeen. We took a nice walk along a path high above the coast of the North Sea before we settled in for the night.

Street View     Linlithgow     Map
Kevin, Wendy and Euan
don and Euan as we leave for our swing through Scotland    

Street View     Culross     Map
Susan outside the Culross Abbey    

Street View     Charlestown     Map
The life of Lime from a short visit to the Scottish Lime Centre Trust    

Street View     Pittenweem     Map
Susan enjoying the last bit of our IRN-BRU Panorama of Pittenweem from the end of the quay View of the Pittenween harbour

Street View     St. Andrews     Map
Susan at St. Andrews Old Course at the 18th green At the first tee and 18th green on the Old Course - taken by Coach D Coach D who took our photo at the Old Course - on his way around the world to see how other countries do recreation

Street View     Cove Bay     Map
The Cove Bay Hotel - very helpful staff The animals on a trail sign with the North Sea in the background The gnome makes his one and only appearance - on the coast of the North Sea
Video of the North SEa shore on our walk at Cove Bay
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View of the North Sea on our walk A view of a cave in the cliff on the North Sea

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Headed to the highlands.

Stopped at ski resort for a bathroom break and snack. Had a lovely chat with the people there. It was very windy and rainy. Stopped at Glenlivet distillery but all of the tours were booked. We were told they were closed due to Queen Elizabeth's death, but we could go into the family history room and the gift shop.

Next stop was Culloden Battlefield where Bonnie Prince Charles (Jacobites) was defeated in 1746. We walked around and went into a very small cottage that had served as a field hospital. Drove along Loch Ness but didn't see the Monster. It's a very long and deep Loch.

Came back to Inverness and spent the night at "The Coo's Guest house B & B. First walked along the river and into city center for a little shopping. The weather was pleasant, mid 60s and mostly sunny. Had dinner at a pub.

Street View     The Highlands     Map
View of the hills View of a small castle in the valley Stone and seats next to the road
The hole in the stone aims and magnifies the castle in the valley The Glenlivet9/13/22 4:00 pm Brewery where we were told that they were not supposed to be open and all the tours were full  

Street View     Loch Ness     Map
The animals do Lock Ness A panorama of Loch Ness - no monster but a small sailboat  

Street View     Inverness     Map
The animals and us at Loch Ness after arriving in Inverness - don camera Entering Inverness, Scotland The Coo's in Inverness

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Heading to the isle of Skye. It's supposed to be quite chilly today.

Drove along Loch Ness again. Beautiful scenery all the way. Saw the Eilean Donan Castle.

Drove on the bridge to Isle of Skye.

Headed toward the town of Portree.

Saw The Old Man of Storr, A rock pinnacle 164 feet in height so named on account of the rocks outline resembling the profile of an old man. We saw the Lealt Falls. Many of the roads were one lane with a passing area for other cars. Don did a great job driving on the left side, but going on the narrow roads was quite stressful. We had enough of the Isle of Skye so we cancelled our B & B there went to the ferry. I helped Don navigate with the car's GPS. It's hard for him to drive on the left side of the narrow roads and look at the screen at the same time.

I wanted to see the Glenfinnan Viaduct as seen in the Harry Potter movies. We stopped there and walked up a switchback path for a better view. It was great to actually see it. After that we drove for 15 miles on a one lane road to see the water fall where Philip and Lana Aylesworth were married.

We were unable to see Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the British Isles, because we got there after dark.

We are staying at a motel south of Glencoe. It's good to be off the road.

Street View     Glenfinnan     Map
The Glenfinnan Via Duct A view of the loch at Glenfinnan Glenfinnan Viaduct as seen in the Harry Potter movies
don and Susan at the Glenfinnan Viaduct of Harry Potter fame The waterfall of the wedding Susan friends at the waterfall
The nice 8-mile one lane road to the waterfall    

Street View     Isle of Syke     Map
The ferry On the ferry from Isle of Syke

Friday, September 16, 2022

Left Ravenscliff motel in Motherwell Scotland at 8:30 AM. Headed south toward Jedburg, Scotland. Lots of sheep, Rolling hills, cattle, power-lines and windmills.

Stopped at a site outside of Dryburgh, Scotland and walked to a statue of Sir William Wallace. Then we went to the ruins of the Dryburgh Abbey. It's quite cool and windy today

We arrived at Chris's house in North England. Sallie Anne and their son, Oliver, fixed dinner for us.

Street View     Dryburgh     Map
The Sir William Wallace Monument View from the monument The animals on the rail at the monument

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Chris drove us to Thirsk where James Wight (Harriet) lived, worked and wrote his books. We spent 2 hours there. Then we walked around the city center and had lunch. It was a typical small city square with shops and a street market. I could have stayed there longer.

We drove to see a huge horse carved on the side of a mountain at Sutton Bank. We walked around a bit at a lovely park.

Then we drove to Whitby by the North Sea. It's a resort city and has the ruins of an Abbey. We walked around and had a nice dinner there. We bought a very large stick candy. Chris said it's traditional to buy a "stick” when you go on holiday to the seaside. Later on a man told us that holiday comes from "holy day” which was the only time people had off of work.

Spent the night and are heading for more adventures tomorrow.

Street View     Thirsk     Map
The real James Harriott was James Alfred Wight and this was on his actual veterinary surgery The kitchen of the Herriott house Statue of James Wight - the real James Herriott
At the Harry Potter rail station with the charming Foreman and Sallie Anne The Harry Potter train in the station  

Street View     Sutton Bank National Park Centre     Map
Chris and SAllie Anne Morrill with us on a hike with beautiful views The animals and us at the sign pointing toward the Finest View in England And THE Finest View in England

Street View     Whitby     Map
The animals on the quay in Whitby looking out into the North Sea View of Whitby from the end of the pier - a very chilly visit in the strong wind  

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Slept in a little. We're going for a walk with Chris and Sallie Anne.

Crossed the River Tees into the County Durham.Heading toward Stockton on Tee nearest town to Chris and Sally Anne. We had a lovely walk around the Tees Barrage. Chris goes rowing out of a boathouse close by.

Chris drove to Osmotherley where we had a delicious Sunday lunch of roast sirloin with Yorkshire Pudding.

We drove a little farther and stopped to walk around an old town reservoir.

Then we can back to Chris & Sallie Ann's house. They were gracious hosts and have a lovely home. Makes me want to declutter my house. She had one beautiful blue stoneware set of dishes. Rooms are smaller than ours. Bathroom fixtures are certainly more compact.

Street View     Osmotherley     Map
I had trouble getting our nice rental car to do cruise control. The LIM button limits speed and not set it. The button above it is the cruise button. The Golden Lion pub where we had lunch with the Morrills The Golden Lion Menu
My beef and Yorkshire Pudding at The Golden Lion Pub with Susan, Sallie Anne and Chris The animals and us on the bank at the foot of the nice lake  

Monday, September 19, 2022

Left Chris's house and headed south toward Leeds. Our first stop was Ripon cathedral. We walked through the town city Center. Every shop was closed in respect of Queen Elizabeth‘s Funeral. We arrived at Ripon Cathedral at 11:30, the service had begun.

There were several large screen TVs. We sat near one and were able to see very well. It felt like we were part of the ceremony at Westminster Cathedral. We sang the hymns and prayed the prayers with the people there. It was a very moving experience especially when we sang "God Save the King”.

We were going to visit an Abbey but it wasn't open today. We drove on to Harrogate And walked around to the city center and then to a beautiful park called Valley Gardens.

We drove on to Leeds, arriving at our hotel, Ibis. We settled into our room and then went for a walkabout. We wanted to see how far it is to the train station. We'll be taking the train to Sowerby Bridge on Friday where we will board our rented "Narrow Boat”

Street View     Ripon     Map
View from our car parked next to the cemetery and back of the Ripon Cathedral The main entrance to the Ripon Cathedral where Susan was interviewed The history of Ripon opposite the Ripon Cathedral
The Hornblower obelisk in the Ripon Town Square Ripon City Hall Yes, there are still telephone booths in the UK; Yes they are not in great shape
A one-stop hand wash and dry machine - actually very effective The view from our seats in the Ripon Cathedral in the service for the queen's funeral The hymnal used for the service
Screenshot of the interview of Susan by ITV after leaving the funeral service for the queen in Ripon Cathedral    

Street View     Harrogate     Map
Valley Gardens Susan and friends taking a short break Panorama of the Valley Gardens park
The benches in the Valley Gardens Park have snakes as supports    

Street View     Leeds     Map
Susan proudly displays her Queen magazine after we made a scouting walk from the hotel to the train station One of the many shopping arcades in LEeds  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

We left our hotel and drove to Kirkstall Abbey. We went through the museum first. It was marvelous. We walked down 1800's streets with the shops and homes of that era. It was ready amazing to look at all the artifacts from that time frame. Then we walked to the ruins of the Kirkstall Abbey. It must have been an awe inspiring building in its day. It was ordered to be shut down by King Henry VIII in 1539.

We then went to Saltaire. It was a planned community for a textile factory owned by Sir Titus Salt in the mid-1800's. We had lunch at Roberts Park. Then we drove the Sowerby to scope out the train station and walk to the dock for the narrow boat we will be taking on Friday. It was a very narrow country road with beautiful views of hills and valleys. We took a motorway back to Leeds.

In Leeds we walked from our hotel to the University. We will be picking Kaylee up at the Leeds airport tomorrow.

My impression of Leeds is not that great, very metropolitan. People are not as friendly as out in the rural areas. Lots of Asians and people from other cultures. Lots of young people, as with any college city, most on their phones as they walk down the streets.

Street View     Leeds     Map
Kirtstall Abbey information In the very full and interesting Victorian Museum near Kirtstall Abbey Susan next to a large doll house in the Victorian Museum
How to use the abacus from the Victorian Museum near the Kirtstall Abbey Entrance to Kirtstall Abbey The animals in the back of Kirtstall Abbey
Kirtstall Abbey Kirkstall Abbey Ruins near Leeds  

Street View     Saltaire     Map
Saltaire URC Church  

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

We were supposed to pick up Kaylee at the Leeds airport this morning. She missed her connecting flight, so she has to go from Dublin to Manchester airport. Don told her to take the train from Manchester to Leeds, but we don't know when she'll arrive in Leeds. We're going to go to the Leeds Museum in the meantime.

We ended up going to Manchester airport to pick up Kaylee. It was so good to see her. Don dropped me off at the terminal. He couldn't believe they charged him 5 pounds to just drop me off. He went to car rental village to get a different car because the right front tire on the one we were using had a big bulge. Probably caused by hitting a few left side curbs.

Anyway, we got Kaylee, but not her checked bags. She missed her connecting to Amsterdam at JFK in NY due to Delta. She had to go to Dublin, then Manchester on a different airlines. We don't know where her luggage is.

We drove back to Leeds and went to her new residence. Then we went to her old house and got the stuff she left there. All of it would fit in the car except for me. I walked back to our hotel, it wasn't too far.

When Don and Kaylee got back we went to a store called Morrison's so she could purchase toiletries. We went to the Turtle Bay Caribbean restaurant that Kaylee likes. She introduced us to a Marley Mojito which was quite good. We walked back to our hotel. I stayed there and Don drove her back to her house.

Street View     Leeds     Map
The window on the upper right below the chimney is Kaylee's room A video tour of Kaylee's room
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Panorama of Kaylee's room
Front yard of house next to Kaylee's house Kaylee's front door A video (boring - very boring) going up the two flights of stairs to Kaylee's room
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Thursday, September 22, 2022

We picked up Kaylee and headed on a 2.5 hour drive south to Peterborough to go to an armed forces rowing regatta. Don rowed with 2 of the officials who are retired RAF officers, Kath Linton and Chris Morrill. (We stayed with Chris and Sallie Anne this past weekend.)

When we got to the course Kath was out in the launch, but Chris came over to say hello. He is an official there as well as rowing in a double in one of the races.

The weather was nice. We walked around the course. There must have been 3 or 4 dozen swans as well as geese and ducks on the water. It was just beautiful to see them.

We had a nice lunch with Kath. Chris had to go back to officiating work. I had steak and ale pie and it was delicious.

We drove 2 1/2 hours back to Leeds airport so we could try to track down Kaylee‘s luggage. She filled out a form and we hope for the best. We took her back to her house and we went to our hotel.

Street View     Peterborough     Map
don giving Chris and his bow off the landing to go win their race don, Kath Linton and Kaylee in the Boathouse pub for lunch at the British Armed Forces Regatta Kath Squared at the Boathouse Pub

Street View     Leeds     Map
The Calder Pub - one Kaylee's favorites in Leeds    

Friday, September 23, 2022

Don picked up Kaylee, brought her to our hotel and then he went to the car rental place to turn in our car. He walked back to the Hotel. We had packed a couple of small bags with clothes that we needed for the weekend and left the rest at the hotel. The 3 of us took a cab to the train station in Leeds.

The train ride was nice. We got off in Sowerby Bridge and walked about half a mile to the narrow boat dock. We were about an hour early so we had lunch at the nearby pub.

On return to the dock we received a half hour lecture and lesson on how our narrow boat works. I listened, but not a lot of it sank it. Our boat is named the Suffolk and is 48 feet long by 9 feet wide. There is one double bed toward the stern and one single in the bow which serves as a gathering area and kitchen area. It is quite comfortable.

The shire cruise people helped us through the first lock showing us how to open and close it. I wasn't much help. I am so glad that Kaylee is with us. This is so far out my comfort range. We made it through the next two locks just fine. We were going down the canal with three men on another boat. We went through the locks with them, but I wasn't very much help. As we were preparing to go through the fifth lock I was getting off the boat to try to help and I fell into the canal. The water is very, very cold and I panicked a little because it happened so fast. It was too deep for me to stand up and the bank was a stone wall.

Two of the men from the other boat came over and helped Don drag me out of the canal. I was totally soaked, of course, and very cold. I lost my glasses in the water and I was afraid that my hearing aids and phone would be ruined. Don said he saw my glasses in my hand at one point. I think I had them but I let go of them. Kaylee jumped into the water because she thought she could stand up right next to the wall, but it was too deep. She was trying to find my glasses. I appreciated that so much.

I went into the boat to take a shower and change clothes. I had a little cry and then I started laughing and decided to make the best of it. I am a little worried because I didn't bring that many clothes with me and my new walking shoes were completely soaked. They were supposed to be waterproof 🤣 Guess that doesn't

By the time I was dressed and ready we had gone through the fifth lock and were moored in Elland. Kaylee took a shower and got dry clothes on and then we walk to a Morrison‘s store. The only shoes we could find in adult sizes were slippers so Kaylee and I each got a pair of them since my shoes were all wet and her's were not good for a lot of walking.

We walked back to the boat and then to a pub nearby called the Barge and Barrel. Kaylee introduced me to a hard berry cider which is very tasty. We also had a light dinner there and we visited with a few of the other narrow boat cruisers. They all had a good Laugh at my mishap, and I laughed at myself too.

Back at the boat we sat together in the common area and had an adult conversation with Kaylee. She has struggled with depression for nearly ten years. I'm so happy that she opened up to us. I have never felt closer to her.

Street View     Sowery Bridge     Map
We arrive at Shire Cruisers The narowboat crew, don, Kaylee and Susan, before we took over the Suffolk and sailed down the canal - from don camera The boat plate for our boat, the Suffolk
Skipper and First Mate don watching James of Shire Cruisers show him how to check the engine - unfortunately, don didn't learn enough about the shower pump or heater One of the Shire Cruisers folks teaching how to use the lock - this kind gentleman had to come correct our heater on the next morning
A view out of the bow of the Suffolk A moderately poor attempt at an artistic video showing our reflection as we motor down the canal
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Don navigating out of one of the first locks of our adventure. We shared the first 5 locks with the York, captained by Chris
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Kaylee enjoying a pastry on our way  

Street View     Elland     Map
Kaylee holding the boat while we drive the stakes to tie up for the Friday night stay in Elland, near the Barge and Barrel pub - don camera Susan and don outside the Barge and Barrel pub on our first night on the narrowboat in Elland
Susan getting trained as a lock operator The boat crew in Elland with the Suffolk safely tied to the bank - on our way to the Morrisons to buy shoes and stuff The boss swan of the canal at Elland who always came to let us know who was the boss and who wasn't
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The boss swan of the Elland canal
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Kaylee approves of the shield of Elland having three cats  

Saturday, September 24, 2022

After tea and breakfast we continue slowly down the canal. We had to go through 9 more locks before we arrived in Brighouse. Kaylee helped so much. She knew exactly what do do. She and I would open the sluice gates, wait for the water to fill the lock, and then open the gates. Don drove the boat in. Kaylee and I would then close the gates and sluice. We'd go to the other end of the lock, open the sluice to lower the water and open the gates for Don to go out of the lock. It takes 20 to 30 minutes at each lock.

One time there was a couple celebrating their 50 th anniversary at one of the locks. They were on a weekend holiday with 8 members of their family. The parents were explaining how the locks worked and I let them help open and close the gates. We chatted with many nice people along the way. In general, Yorkshire people are friendly and polite. I have a hard time understanding what they say because of their accent. We moored the boat in Brighouse and walked to a pub called "The Calder”. We had a nice meal and 2 for 1 pitchers of Long Island Iced Tea”.

We got back to the boat and decided to head back to Sowerby Bridge because Kaylee wanted to get back to her house and get her room in order before school starts tomorrow. So we went through three locks and moored in a wooded area for the night. We enjoyed another evening visiting with Kaylee. She shared with us how much she needed this trip and that she thought I was a good grandma. Don a bit of a grump sometimes, but still a good granddad. She said it did her good to see us happily working and being together. We had a big emotional group hug and a few tears.

I thank God we've had this time with her. My opinion of her has changed a lot. She's not the spoiled, selfish brat I thought she was. She is a beautiful young woman, who struggles with depression. I feel that I understand her so much better now. I want to stay in closer touch with her and let her know that she can always talk to me without judgement or guilt.

Street View     Brighouse     Map
Our narrowboat, the Suffolk, tied up near Brighouse for the night on way back to Sowery Bridge Our narrow boat in the lock waiting for the water to fill it. Susan making sure don doesn't spill either pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea at a pub
Driving down the canal
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Coming through a bridge into a lock
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The hard working lock crew doing their thing to open and close the lock
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The lock crew at work
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Street View     Elland     Map
Our comfortable and capable home for the weekend on the canal Kaylee, the strong! Holding her winch tool for operating many of the lock gate paddles. She did a great job! Kaylee and Susan pointing to where Susan was pulled from the canal and where her glasses are - from don camera
Driving the Suffolk down the river
(Click on image to download video)

Sunday, September 25, 2022

When I woke up, Don told he he had changed our flight home from Thursday to Wednesday because there's a Hurricane predicted to hit Tampa on Thursday.

We started on our journey again about 8:30. I wasn't going wake Kaylee up, but she got up on her own to help us get through last 6 gates. We arrived at the Sowerby Bridge dock at 1:00 pm.

We went to the "The Moorings” and had a nice lunch with Kaylee. We all had "Old Mout Cider Berries & cherries with lunch. We walked back to the boat, Kaylee got her stuff, and then we walked her to the train station. She headed back to Leeds on the 3:40 train. Don and I walked around a little and then back to the boat where we are spending the night.

The narrow boat adventure turned out to be very enjoyable. It started out a little rough with me falling in the canal on the first day. I shall always remember with great fondness this very special time with Kaylee and Don. I admit I didn't realize there were so many locks to open and close. However, once we got into the routine, it was actually kind of fun.

Street View     Brighouse     Map
Short video showing a lock filling
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Approaching the spot where Susan took her swim and lost her glasses
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A closer view of the disaster spot
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The lock crew on the towpath heading for the next lock in our journey
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The lock crew opening the lock paddles to let the water in
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A brief view of the water coming into the lock through the paddle opening
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The hard working lock crew waiting patiently for the water level to come up so they can open the gates
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Kaylee enjoying the luxury of tea on bed  

Street View     Sowery Bridge     Map
from don's phone - hidden
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The tunnel to get to the lock from the docking point for the Salterhebble Top Lock showing Susan already at the control station of the one and only guillotine lock on our journey. Kaylee going up the ladder of the guillotine lock which was the last one of our journey
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Kaylee on top of the lock The guillotine lock SLOWLY opening - it didn't require physical effort beyond holding the button, but it was VERY slow
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More of the guillotine lock
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Susan waiting while the lock SLOWLY closes the gate - she had to hold down the button A view of the canal
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Throwing the lock winch tool to Kaylee's side of the lock
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A panorama of the last lock heading back to Sowery Bridge
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A less than well cared-for narrowboat on the canal
Saying goodbye to Kaylee so she can go back to school Kaylee and one of her lock paddle tools Quick video tour of the Suffolk, our narrowboat for the weekend
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Statue of a man and boy operating a lock lever near the Shire Cruisers    

Street View     Elland     Map
Attempt at showing the different water leverls on either side of the lock gate - water to the stern was about 20 feet lower
Showing the difference in canal levels on either side of the lock gats Some clever artwork in the shore of the canal Coming through a bridge
Distance marker of some sort In a lock getting filled
Kaylee and her lock tools Yes, there are rednecks in England The lock crew working hard on the gate paddles
(Click on image to download video)

Monday, September 26, 2022

Don and I woke up at 7:00 on the Suffolk. We had tea and breakfast. I showered and we packed up our things and headed to the Sowerby Bridge train station. We waited about 20 minutes for the next train to Leeds.

It took 30 minutes on the train and we were in Leeds. We checked at the station to see if we could leave luggage there, possible but quite expensive. Then we headed back to the Ibis Hotel. Don went to check us in and I did a little shopping at the Merrion mall. I Bought a ceramic yellow toast holder and some Christmas cards at a charity shop. Don met me at 11:30.

Kaylee came from her apartment house and met us. We all walked to the Union coffeehouse that she likes and had lunch.Then we headed to Leeds University campus. We walked around and saw the social science building where she will have most of her classes.

Next we walk to the Hyde Park Book Club and had a glass of cider. Don had hot chocolate. Before that we sat on a bench together in park near her house. It's a place she likes to go sometimes to think and be by herself or have a picnic with friends. We stopped by her house, she wanted to show us her room again and that she had gotten her things sorted out.

We stayed there for a couple of hours while we tried to figure out how and when we would head back to Tampa. There is a hurricane named Ian expected to hit Tampa and then Orlando approximately the same time as we're supposed to get to Orlando on Wednesday. We are waiting to hear from Delta as to whether our flight is canceled or not. We still want to leave on Wednesday.

A little after 6 o'clock Kaylee walked with us to a pub she likes and we had dinner. We all like the dirty fries served with jackfruit pulled pork. Kaylee then took an Uber back to her house and Don and I walked to our hotel.

Street View     Leeds     Map
Inside the Union Coffee Shop Outside the Union Coffee House - one of Kaylee's favorites Outside the Calder Pub, one of Kaylee's favorites

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

We met Kaylee at Turtle Bay Caribbean pub at 11:00 am. She wanted us to experience the bottom less brunch which means one meal and all the alcohol you can drink. Kaylee ordered that. Don and I had already eaten breakfast before we left our hotel. We ordered 1 meal and 3 two for one mixed drinks.

Then we walked to the train station and took a train to Ilkley. Don wanted Kaylee to see an English village away from the big cities. We walked around the city center, looked in a few charity shops, and then went to Betty's Cafe & Tea Rooms. We had tea and English scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam. It was lovely and we all enjoyed the experience.

Then the shit hit the fan. Orlando airport is shutting down because of Hurricane Ian before our flight was scheduled to get there tomorrow. Kaylee worked with Delta rep by chat and he booked us on a flight to Atlanta and then to Tampa on Friday. So that means 2 extra nights in Manchester😢😟

We took the train to Leeds, walked to our hotel, got luggage, said good bye to Kaylee, and took a cab back to train station. We are now on a train to the Manchester airport.

We arrived at the Manchester airport at 9:11 pm. There was a phone available to call a shuttle to our hotel, but the code didn't work. Don was getting very agitated and angry. There was a telephone number to call, but Don gave his SIM card to Kaylee, so we had no way to call the local number. We went outside and went over to the taxi area. One very nice cab driver helped us by being very kind and calling the hotel on his phone and letting Don order the shuttle. I offered the man 2£, but wouldn't take it. He said he just wanted to help us. There are still good people in this world.

We checked into our room. We could not get the heat turned on, the front desk sent a nice maid and she just had to flip a switch that we hadn't seen. By this time, Don is very hangry. The hotel is 200£/night and not as nice as the one in Leeds and doesn't include breakfast.

Don is so mad and frustrated. I went down to the lobby for a little while to give him time to settle down. We've had such beautiful trip, I don't want it to end this way. We are stuck in Manchester for a couple of days and we have to make the best of it. I told him that and he seemed to take it to heart. This hotel doesn't have any rooms for tomorrow, but there are several around here that do. We'll figure it out in the morning.

Street View     Ilkley     Map
Silly girls and animals on the train to Ilkley The animals, Kaylee and Susan at Betty's - Kaylee smelling the shunk Outside Betty's
Having High Tea at Betty's Tea Shop    

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Manchester UK-The Clayton Hotel

Left our big luggage at the hotel and took their shuttle to Manchester airport. Spoke with a nice representative, Natalie, at Virgin Air and she helped us get assigned seats on our Flight to Atlanta on Friday. Don paid for premium seating, but only he had an assigned seat in premium; I was in regular seating. So we should be set there thanks to Natalie. I spoke to Don and tried to settle him down. It has been such a beautiful trip, I don't want it to end so ugly.

It seemed to work, we have enjoyed a day in Manchester. It is a bustling city, but seems less crowded than Leeds. And the streets seem wider and not as much traffic. We took a free bus to the city center, ate at a pub called "The Old Monkey”.

We walked a bit then got on a city guided tour bus. It was supposed to be a hop on, hop off, but it was the last bus of the day so we just stayed on it for the whole round. I wanted to find some charity shops to look in. Don was getting cold and grumpy. Finally we found a charity shop and he bought a Manchester United shirt for 5£ and he was warmer and happier.

We headed back to the train station but stopped at a pub, The Brunswick, for a pint of cider and a beer. We walked back to the train station and took the train back to the airport station. There were taxis waiting and we went to the first cabbie in line, but he said the taxi at the end was the next one. The driver of that cab came back and told to go to the first one whom we had told where we wanted to go. We think maybe he wanted to wait for a longer fare. We were just going to the Holiday Inn Express. He charged us £12 which we thought was steep for a less than 3 mile drive. And he only wanted cash.😟😟

We arrived at our hotel, checked in, and got a good nights sleep. Breakfast was included which it is not at the Clayton.

Street View     Manchester     Map
Airport and city
The Old Monkey - lunch in Manchester In the Bee City which is, of course, Manchester Poster on many trains and announcements repeated every few minutes
Lunch in The Old Monkey, two pies, one cheese and one beef, one pint of beer and one of cider - of course    

Street View     Liverpool     Map
Some monument in Manchester    

Thursday, September 29, 2022

The day we were supposed to fly back to Orlando. The Hurricane, Ian, just brushed by Tampa. It came into land as a category 4 at Port Charlotte. Margaret texted that there is no power at our house but everything else is okay.

This morning we are on the train to Liverpool to tourist a bit. The weather is sunny, but chilly.

We walked to the Albert Dock from the train station and took a tour boat out around the docks. Don wanted to take the ferry across the Mersey, but we got sucked into going on the other one. It wasn't so bad, there was a bar and I got a cider.

After we disembarked, we walked through the tourist shopping area. Then we found the hop on, hop off tour bus. We got off on the 4th of 12 stops at the city library. It's a beautiful building and we were able to go up to the 4th floor viewing gallery and see the city. A very nice city council enforcement officer told us about it right after we got off the train. He also mentioned St. George's Hall.

We took a 2 hour tour of the Hall. It included seeing the large hall where weddings and other events are held. They were setting up for a brew fest so it smelled like beer. The mosaic floor was covered with wood flooring to protect it. Stained glass windows at each end depicted St. George slaying the dragon. The Hall had definite Roman influence. There was also a courtroom, the woodwork was beautiful tiger oak. We saw the the steps where the prisoners were brought up to the dock from the cells below. We saw the cells and they were grim.

Next we went into the concert hall. It was also Roman influenced, refurbished in 2008. All of the gold trim was redone in gold leaf.

We had 2 amazing guides. One mentioned the irony of the posh upstairs St George Hall and the concert room in contrast to the prisoners in cells and standing trial on the lower levels. We walked to a shopping area. We wanted to get something nice for Margaret as she looked after our house during the Hurricane. We found a lovely star pendant necklace and earrings to symbolize that she is a star for taking care of our place and Ginny's.

We went into a pub and visited with the bartender and had drinks. They didn't have food so we went to another one. We both wanted fish and chips for our last night in the UK. We are on the train now back to Manchester. We'll spend the night at the Clayton Hotel where our bags are and then go to the airport in the morning and fly to Atlanta then to Tampa. Margaret says there's still no power at our house. She has moved all the frozen sweet corn to Ginny's freezer because they have a generator.

Note from tour bus Liverpool "Albert Dock” built 1846 on the Mersey River. Suffered damage in WWII. Slavery port. Titanic's owners headquarters here.

Street View     Liverpool     Map
Susan taking a photo as we emerge from the train station - St. George Hall in the background At the Albert Dock - one of many, extending 8 miles on the River Mersey Water center with rowing sculls - riggers detached so they can rack against the wall
Our only encounter with the Beatles. This is an 8-foot-tall statue on the shore of the River Mersey, of The Beatles.

While we love The Beatles, we had no desire to do the tourist thing of following them around the city. We were so happy to discover that there is far more to Liverpool than them!
City view of Liverpool Headquarters of the White Star Line
The Royal Liver Building with Liver birds on each tower. One faces the city, and one faces the River Mersey. Panorama of Liverpool near St. Geroge Hall
(Click on image to download video)
Don's video panorama of Liverpool from the roof of the library
(Click on image to download video)
Susan and friends on top of the Liverpool Library Painting of Queen Elizabeth II that no one wanted due to lack of quality Panorama of the Ballroom in St. George Hall. A huge and very impressive room with incredible detail and workmanship. The wood covers the floor which is a mosaic. The wood floor is removed on occasion to allow the beaty of the mosaic to be seen.

The ballroom was being setup to be the site of a beer festival. The kegs in the background will contain beer and cider for the event. These were on either side of the hall.
St, George Hall Ballroom form the ground level. In the left foreground is some of the mosaic that covers the entire floor. You can see the kegs for the beer festival against the far wall. Panorama of the St. George Hall Concert Hall. Charles Dickens read his works here as he loved the acoustics. Another view of the Concert Hall showing the mirror and air conditioning vents under the stage. The building has a sophisticated air flow system driven by steam powered pumps.

St. George Hall had court rooms, jail cells and the formal Ballroom and Concert Hall all in one huge building.
St. George Hall was built along Roman lines and themes, duplicating much from Rome. There are statues and images of Roman Gods throughout.

This door shows the theme made more relevant to Liverpool. The SPQL is a variation of the Roman SPQR which translates to "The Senate and People of Rome." The SPQL is meant to refer to the people of Liverpool.

St, George Hall was built to show that Liverpool deserved to be made a city by the Queen. She did.
One of our 2 guides for the tour. They were both excellent and very informative. The amazing and great thing was that there were only 3 of us on the 2.5-hour tour with the 2 guides. The very friendly proprietor of The Globe Pub in Liverpool
don and Susan behind the bar of The Globe pub in Liverpool - a perfect example of a great pub with a very friendly owner who suggested she take this photo The view of The Globe Pub from our little corner Article about The Globe Pub
The Thomas Rigbey Pub where we had our last drinks and meal before leaving - fish and chips, of course Susan checking to be sure that we are going to make it back to the train station after taking 3 LONG escalators after being ignored about the lift being faster